... | ... | @@ -33,3 +33,18 @@ with this endpoint, we can find all of the artifiacts for a given GA coordinate, |
We ended up just listing all of the artifacts, and ASSUMING that they were listed in newest-to-oldest order, which happens to work.
In short, what would be great is if the NX3 rest api makes it easy to answer the question: 'what is the current, latest version of an artifact with a GA coordinate?
## Artifact versioning and tagging
Each project is responsible for setting the versionName of the application or library.
Build machine owns the versionCode (=BUILD#} for each project and increments it on a per build model.
Build tags project on build success with PREFIX-{BRANCH}-{versionName}-{versionCode}-{BUILD#}
Debug artifacts are posted to debug-snapshots with -SNAPSHOT
Release artifacts are posted to release
Developer is responsible for the version name, but not the versionCode.
When the version name is upped, the project is uploaded to nexus
Stage deployment involves promoting the