# Creating additional buzztime product variants
The buzztime device tree extends the rockchip tree. The actual starting point is in the rockchip/device/rk312x to avoid problems with lower level makefiles that may be expecting the 'official' device folder to be the rk312x folder.
The PRODUCT name can change but the model (BZT-T102) is on the FCC regulatory screen and should remain unchanged.
| bzt | 1 | 8 | uxa | 02 |
| company code | 1Gb RAM | 8Gb Flash | $`\frac{USB}{Audio}`$ | Prod ID |
* identify the product code for the new device (eg bzt18uxa0N)
* create the device folder:
run ` ./device/common/populate-new-device.sh buzztime bzt18uxa0N`
This creates a device/buzztime/product folder with default minimum contents.
* in device/rockchip/rk312x folder :
copy bzt18uxa02.mk to bzt18uxa0N.mk
change all references to bzt18uxa02 to bzt18uxa0N
1. line 8: PRODUCT_NAME
1. line 3: BoardConfig.mk folder location
1. line 4: device.mk folder location
* in device/rockchip/rk312x/AndroidProducts.mk :
add $(LOCAL_DIR)/bzt18uxa0N.mk \ to PRODUCT_MAKEFILES
* in device/rockchip/rk312x/vendorsetup.sh :
create `add_lunch_combo bzt18uxa0N-{variant}` commands for user,userdebug,eng builds.
### Initial setup should be done.
At this point you would start copying the relevant portions of the bzt18uxa02 folder into the new product folder. Once bzt18uxa01 is created, it will be a better starting place. It should be ok to just copy the entire contents in and customize.