Rockchip loader binaries naming rule
Regardless of a single module or a merged loader, the naming is adopted
Chip: chip or chip family name, required, consistent with the names in all kernel/uboot drivers, the specific naming method is not discussed here, lowercase
Module: module name, required, such as loader, ddr, miniloader, usbplug, bl3x, tee, tee_ta, lowercase
Feature: module feature, optional, multiple, such as the frequency used by ddr, or only supports a specific ddr, miniloader special options, etc., lowercase
Version: Version information, required, format is [v1.00,], 0.xx before the official release, 1.00 after the official release, lowercase
Postfix: suffix name, required, code compiled defaults to .bin, possibly .elf, merged to .img, lowercase
The connection symbol is underlined with "_"
File provided by the ddr module
Special rules:
1. The combined loader naming:
Loader: A loader that can be used by the Windows RK upgrade tool by merging ddrbin, usbplug, and miniloader;
Ubootloader: A loader that can be used by the Windows RK upgrade tool by merging ddrbin, usbplug, and U-Boot;
Idbloader: by ddrbin, a level loader (miniloader or uboot) merged directly in IDB format for burning to the binary of the IDB area;
Note: The name of the miniloader only indicates that the bin of the miniloader project compilation output is no longer used in the merged loader;
2. The version definition of the merged loader:
v: version means always use this character, lowercase
X.yy: the version number of the file provided by ddr, lowercase
Zzz: [1] is the version number of the file provided by the miniloader, remove the dot, lowercase
[2] version number provided by uboot
3. If naming lowercase causes ambiguity, use uppercase
Such as ddr GB, can not be written as gb
Merged loader naming:
1.03 of which is the version number of ddr v1.03
106 is the version number of the miniloader v1.06 to remove the point number |