# Stories
* Ops Web Interface
build a javascript or equiv web page with an MQ client subscribing to the MQ server.
### Platform services:
* SoftwareManifest Management
- add software artifacts, manage deploy sets, query for the deploySet for a DeviceHost
* Configuration Management (handshake values for a DeviceHost)
* Credential management
* Content Management
- provide list of content to download and cache for local apks and venue devices
### Device Host
* Volley client
- create support library for platform REST calls and JSON result parsing
* SecureHostProvider : firmware specific storage for credentials and secrets to be securely distributed to appropriate apps.
* DeviceAdmin : customization for the BridgeReceiver
- refactor to a secure calling model
* ManagedProvisioning :
- wireless Out-of-Box configuration stage
- convert to use cheerios calls
* Warehouse Setup/ copy
- update to download content and apks during provisioning or post provision
### BTHost / Core
* MQ Client to Platform MQ Broker
* ConfigurationProvider
- handshake settings
- secure data
- manifest/software installation details
* Platform Upkeep Manager
- Config/Software/Content : update/download/install/notify
* JobScheduler / tracker
Sets up and tracks periodic upkeep that should happen
* Service tracker
Starts and tracks services that should be running on the system
### Host Services:
* MediaContentProvider
- insert/remove content, garbage collection, downstream notifications (more sophisticated than upkeep mgr)
* Software Download Manager / Installer
- runtime dependency validation
### Tablet Host Software
* Beacon / Tablet status
* UDP Connection
* MQ Broker
* Spread ?
* Hive commands
- connect to Ops Web IF
- deliver to tablets
### Game Host