# Stories
### Customer Service Operations
* Ops Web Interface
build a javascript or equiv web page with an MQ client subscribing to the MQ server.
### Platform services:
* SoftwareManifest Management
- add software artifacts, manage deploy sets, query for the deploySet for a DeviceHost
* Configuration Management (handshake values for a DeviceHost)
Manage handshake values like the tablet does
* Credential management
Api to get associations of alias, key, allowed packages
* Content Management
- provide list of content to download and cache for local apks and venue devices. Like tablet content calls.
- associate name,value pair lists to each content item to provide info regarding usage and deployment
### Device Host
* Volley client
- create support library for platform REST calls and JSON result parsing
- incorporates jsonWebToken logic for Cheerios
- client implements generics to simplify and codify usage norms in apps
* LockboxProvider : firmware specific storage for credentials and secrets to be securely distributed to appropriate apps.
Provisioning can occur before any targeted apps are installed on a device. Highly sensitive data must be stored in the event keydata is required to establish network connectivity (wifi certificates, pre-shared keys , etc). This provider is embedded in firmware and is responsible for securely storing and dispensing keys to the designated apps when they request them. This flow is designed to allow white-label deployments in addition to our internal deployment.
* DeviceAdmin : customization for the BridgeReceiver
BridgeReceiver is carrying forward the SERI model of interaction through Broadcasts. The broadcasts are not secured. Anyone through app or adb can send a broadcast and trigger our system level events. Broadcasts should be secured by permission or a calling package whitelist.
- refactor to a secure calling model
* Warehouse Setup/ copy
- update calls to download content and apks during provisioning or post provision stages
- enable Json / Cheerios format calls
* ManagedProvisioning :
- wireless Out-of-Box configuration stage (Aurora mode)
- convert to use cheerios calls
### BTHost / Core
* MQ Client to Platform MQ Broker
ICC replacement connection. Use MQTT on the device-host side connecting to RabbitMQ on the datacenter side.
* ConfigurationProvider
- retrieve / store handshake settings
- retrieve / store secure configuration data (url's, etc)
- retrieve / store manifest/software installation details
* Platform Upkeep Manager
Performs the work of downloading apps and content described in Configuration manifests. Prunes unneeded content and apps, caches preferred content and apps.
- Config/Software/Content : update/download/install/notify
- Create cache mechanisms for content
- Create cache mechanism for apks to enable branch switching in DEV mode
- JobScheduler / tracker
Sets up and tracks periodic upkeep that should happen
- Download manager tracking and pacing
* Service tracker
Starts and tracks services that should be running on the system. Specify Categories for activities and Services that indicate the timeline for
### Host Services:
* FieldService messaging
Create an extensible mechanism to receive MQ messages from PlatformMQ, execute status checks & operations and return the results through the PlatformMQ
* MediaContentProvider
Work with Game/DIning teams to define
- insert/remove content, garbage collection, downstream notifications (more sophisticated than upkeep mgr)
* Software Download Manager / Installer
During the build process, manifest will be created (json) describing the deployment targets (sitehost, tablet, etc), the binary runtime artifacts and their binary runtime dependencies and content uri's.
- The installer will be responsible for double-checking the runtime dependency lists prior to installation to verify that when an apk is installed it will immediately be usable.
- get manifest declaration from runtime components and dependencies
- stop all runtime dependency apps
- up/downgrade apks to target version
- identify and launch startup tasks and services.
### Tablet Host Software
* Beacon / Tablet status
* UDP Connection
* MQ Broker for beacon / hive
* Spread ?
* Hive commands
- connect to Ops Web IF
- deliver to tablets
* SIteConnection
- UDP connection to transmit messages to and from game engines and game renderers.
* HTTP server to provide apks and content to tablet devices.
- configuration options, port mapping
- mechanism to work with file content providers (translate url's to content Uri's)
### Game Host
* insure that MediaContentProvider is capable and compliant with the needs of game host apps.
* provide notification methods to trigger packages when content changes.
[Development Stories](dev-stories) |
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