# Build and Deploy
### Goals:
Create a build and deploy infrastructure that separates each project into it's own build cycle
* Shift version declaration to developer teams.
* Add runtime declaration to developer teams.
* Differentiate public shared libraries from team convenience libraries through nexus publishing.
* Prevent public library advancement from forcing downstream cascades of code refactoring.
* use build to create and update manifest declarations via REST api calls to platform services.
* use google repo to allow developers to consolidate projects into a single IDE workspace.
Move deployment management to a browser-based tool based on the registered project manifests collected from project builds
### Project responsibilities
* declare Version Name in build.gradle
* integrate the buildcore.gradle script if it is found
* declare targets as `<meta-data name='targets' value='sitehost, adhost' />`
* declare runtime deps as `<meta-data name='rundeps' value='com.buzztime.package:1.00+; .. '/>`
### Build Responsibilities
* embed branch in the version name for DEV builds
* embed project, version name, version code, product (debug/release/androidTest/aar/jar), flavor (skin) in the artifact fname.
* allow local build/installs with DEV buzztime keystore
* allow nexus snapshot publishing by branch
* generate project manifest of debug/release/androidTest x flavor(s), runtime deps and targets for upload to PS
* INT/STG : upload to nexus releases, upload manifest to INT/STG PS
* DEV : upload debug/release apks to nexus SNAPSHOT